If you use Exchange Online as your email system, all your users receive a daily briefing. If you want to turn this off for specific users, you can use PowerShell. Here is how:
# Start by saving your credential
$user = "admin-user@domain.com"
$cred = get-credential -credential $user
# Then we connect to EXO
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect-ExchangeOnline -credential $cred
# First we check the status for the user
Get-UserBriefingConfig -Identity user@domain.com
#To stop Viva briefing, we run this command
Set-UserBriefingConfig -Identity user@domain.com -Enabled $false
#If you want to turn it on again
Set-UserBriefingConfig -Identity user@domain.com -Enabled $true
#End of Script
If you want to turn off Viva brief for everyone in the tenant, you can do it through the admin portal: